All Night Session

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It was our first session. We met at Twisted Cedar Estate, which was beautiful, as always.

We made our introductions. I collared and leashed him. Then we hurried outside to survey the surrounding wilderness before the sun set. After a bit, I led him to a small clearing off of the trail where I proceeded to unbutton his shirt. His eye contact was intense and unbroken. There was a sense of irreverence coupled with an explicit desire for intimacy, uncommonly found in a first session. And as I removed his shirt to expose him, I saw gratitude and anticipation for the evening ahead of us.

What followed was a night of…fast, slow. Fast-fast, slow.





Hard. Hard. Hard. HARD.

“You’re tired. Go to sleep.”

“Wake up. I have something for you. Hold still. Shut up.

Eat that. Drink this.

Hmm. Do I have bad aim?


“Yes, I’m still here. You want me to remove those?

What are you going to do for me?”

“Let me show you what you want. And give you what I want.”

“Relax… Breathe… Accept it… It will be better for you.”

“Nap time.”

“Wake up. Guess what you get for breakfast, darling.”

It was a blast.

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  1. I am the lucky guy in this blog. It was my first session with Katherine and an all nighter at that. It’s actually hard to describe how good it was because the usual superlatives are so over used. I’ll try though. Katherine is simply amazing. She’s gorgeous. She’s strong. She can be amazingly feminine while at the same time, every bit the domina in charge. To gaze into her eyes while she torments her prey is nothing short of mind blowingly erotic. She’s sexy as all hell and I for one can’t get enough of her owning me.
    In our sessions since this one, I’ve learned to trust her completely. Her non judgemental approach has allowed me to request various things with no fear of rejection or ridicule and its led me to the point where I now can’t imagine anything that I wouldn’t want her to do to me.

    Katherine – you are very special.

    • You are a sweetheart.
      See you soon.


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