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From what I had gathered from our meeting, you are an individual who is highly capable and who historically has high standards for himself.  You are very sexual and very dynamic.  But for some reason, you’ve lost your passion in life.  You’ve lost your motivation.  Your zest.  You sit around, smoke pot and masturbate all day, as though you have nothing to live for.  That is very sad for me to hear.  I think it would be wonderful for us to explore this together to find the root cause of it so that you can heal.

But I’m not into that pussy shit.

What you really need to do is nut up.  Get off your ass and get your shit taken care of.  You are abstaining because you have a goal that you are pursuing.  Several, I would hope.   Goals that are more important than sex.

In the end you are capable of being a fantastic lover, one who adores and is adored by the women he is fucking.  But a fantastic lover is not a slave to his sexuality, he is a master of it.  And that’s what you will be, if you listen to me.

Stop jerking off.

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  1. Dear DK,

    “What you really need to do is nut up. Get off your ass and get your shit taken care of. You are abstaining because you have a goal that you are pursuing. Several, I would hope. Goals that are more important than sex.

    In the end you are capable of being a fantastic lover, one who adores and is adored by the women he is fucking. But a fantastic lover is not a slave to his sexuality, he is a master of it. And that’s what you will be, if you listen to me.

    Stop jerking off.”

    My question, and
    I’m not asking this as a confrontational question, though it may sound like it: are you suggesting that men literally stop jerking off?

    I just want to clarify if that’s the thrust of what you’re trying to say here. That if men give up masturbating they will become more focused and productive?

    Does the same thing hold true of women?


    • Hi, Mark. I’m not saying that all men should refrain from masterbation. It certainly helps some and this particular one did need it. I imagine that there are some women out there that could benifit from redirection as well. I hope this answered your question. -Katherine


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