Sex In Times Like These

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I believe that in times like these, sex is more important than ever. 😉

Does this seem like a bad time to be thinking about sex? Think again.

I write this jokingly, but in actuality, I do believe that sex is medicine, and in difficult times it’s more important to fuck than ever. Sex is comprised of creative and self-healing tendencies. If this isn’t the case for you, you need to come see me. Think about it. Sex creates little humans, it creates happiness, it rids our bodies of and protects us against all manner of ailments, it commands presence of mind and self/other acceptance, and is over all just the best thing ever.

Expressing sexuality is one way for us to nurture and to exercise our creativity. Ever notice how awful boring sex is? That’s because it’s really not supposed to be boring. It’s supposed to be exciting, fresh, novel, and ecstatic. Engaging in new kinks puts us in new and awkward positions (that should always be recorded for comedy’s sake) that force us to problem solve in the moment. And because we’re so highly motivated to get to that positive, mind blowing outcome, we are able to focus and work through it with efficiency. The result is better sex, more intimate relationships, and a healthier body.

Perhaps this creative tendency can be — or automatically subconsciously is — extrapolated into a broader way of being to some degree. How useful. When our survival or happiness is threatened, it could be that creative energy, that allows us to thrive outside of our normal structure and restrictions which paves the way to a solution or more effective approach.

So my thought is, relax. Enjoy yourself as much as you can. It may do much more than bring you to a singular, mind blowing outcome. Perhaps that’s just the philosophy I developed as a result of fucking my way through the adversity of life. But you’re my reader, so now it’s in your brain as well.  Enjoy.

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  1. As to be expected; beautifully and insightfully said. During the time in which I have known you my Mistress the wisdom and power of what you have expressed here has become reality for me. Thank you for everything that you say, think, and do.
    Your creature

    • Thank you, creature.


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