Failure as a Man


Fetish hypnosis designed to make you let go of the hope that you will ever be a real man.  You are a failure as a man.  You are more like a baby.  Weak and dependent on women.


Enjoy erotic and fetish hypnosis by Portland Oregon’s Katherine Dire, Master BDSM practitioner and mind fuck enthusiast. Enjoy BDSM in a way that brings health, balance and sexual vigor into your life. This is real hypnosis for the alternative sexualities community, for health and for pleasure.

The first part of this file is designed to deconstruct your internal concept of having a manhood and help you, through post-hypnotic content, to accept that you are an utter failure as a man.  It stresses all of the following points:

Women know all of this at first sight of you

  1. You have no manhood
  2. You are a failure as a man
  3.  Women don’t want you
  4.  You cannot attract, please or satisfy a woman
  5.  You are unable to father children
  6.  You are: Weak, fearful, dependent, and unendowed

The second part is intended to help you, through post-hypnotic content, to understand that you need a strong woman to depend on in life.  Like a little baby.  It includes mental age regression, so that you can really feel your dependency upon women.


“…the burden of thinking you’re a man, the burden of trying to be a man, the burden of thinking that women might think you’re a man, all of it falling apart and gone. No manhood left whatsoever. And as you watch it and feel it and see it all fall apart, embrace this new internal sensation that you are experiencing, this new identity, this new way of seeing yourself, as it grows stronger and stronger. You are a failure as a man. You are a failure as a man. You are a complete and utter failure as a man…”


To make these sessions more effective consider purchasing my Primer Hypnosis file.

Listen to this recording repeatedly for increasing impact and practice your relaxation state. For more information on practicing your skill as a hypnosis subject and for other information regarding hypnosis, try this site. As always, use hypnosis responsibly… if you experience any unfavorable effects… please discontinue… otherwise I hope you have a lovely time.

You can also find my hypnosis files on:

You can find a sample hypnosis video here, and another sample script here.

Image by geralt (Gerd Altmann) from Pixabay:


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