Failure as a Man 3


Katherine is your therapist and she understands you perfectly. Her mission is to break down your false identity and get you to accept your true self. She is working, with much repetition, very tough love, shame, and humiliation, to get you to: accept, know, understand, believe, and internalize, beyond a shadow of a doubt, your failure as a man, in every respect. After dismantling your false identity and reinforcing your true identity, she walks you through a scenario in which a woman that you admire, pregnant with the baby of a real man, strips you naked and makes you watch as he fucks her, so you know what it looks like when a man pleases a woman.


Enjoy erotic hypnosis and fetish hypnosis by Portland Oregon’s Katherine Dire, Master hypnotist, BDSM practitioner and mind fuck enthusiast. Enjoy BDSM in a way that brings health, balance and sexual vigor into your life. This is real hypnosis for the alternative sexualities community, for health and for pleasure.

Katherine is your therapist and she understands you perfectly. Her mission is to break down your false identity and get you to accept your true self. She is working, with much repetition, very tough love, shame, and humiliation, to get you to: accept, know, understand, believe, and internalize, beyond a shadow of a doubt, your failure as a man, in every respect. After dismantling your false identity and reinforcing your true identity, she walks you through a scenario in which a woman that you admire, pregnant with the baby of a real man, strips you naked and makes you watch as he fucks her, so you know what it looks like when a man pleases a woman.


“In reality you are nothing but a failure. You are not a real man. You are weak. You are fearful. You are insecure and you should be. You have nothing of substance to offer the world and more importantly you have nothing of worth to offer to a woman.

Women don’t take you seriously and are frequently laughing at you. They are disgusted by you.

You have a tiny, limp, little dick. You are fascinated by strong, masculine men. Men who can impregnate women.

The more you accept this, the better you will feel and the more dependent you will be on strong woman for guidance, safety and emotional comfort”


To make these sessions more effective consider purchasing my Primer Hypnosis file.

Listen to this recording repeatedly for increasing impact and practice your relaxation state. As always, use hypnosis responsibly… if you experience any unfavorable effects… please discontinue… otherwise I hope you have a lovely time.

You can also find my hypnosis files on:

You can find a sample hypnosis video here, and another sample script here.

Image by Fotorech (Daniel Reche) from Pixabay



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