Opening Up 2 (Primer Version)


This erotic hypnosis file is designed to help you to relax. To open you up. Open you up to the sound of my voice. To cause you to feel pleasure as the sound of my voice penetrates you. To make you want the sound of my voice more. To feel as though the sound of my voice is fucking you. And most importantly to instantly enter into this state in which you are utterly spread open and getting fucked every time you hear the sound of my voice. It is perfect all by itself, but I highly recommend pairing it with my other files. After listening to it… you will feel compelled to stick something… anything… in your ass… as though sticking something in your ass will enable you to hear my voice fucking you again and again and again…



Enjoy erotic hypnosis and fetish hypnosis by Portland Oregon’s Katherine Dire, Master hypnotist, BDSM practitioner and mind fuck enthusiast. Enjoy BDSM in a way that brings health, balance and sexual vigor into your life. This is real hypnosis for the alternative sexualities community, for health and for pleasure.

This erotic hypnosis file is designed to help you to relax. To open you up. Open you up to the sound of my voice. To cause you to feel pleasure as the sound of my voice penetrates you. To make you want the sound of my voice more. To feel as though the sound of my voice is fucking you. And most importantly to instantly enter into this state in which you are utterly spread open and getting fucked every time you hear the sound of my voice. It is perfect all by itself, but I highly recommend pairing it with my other files. After listening to it… you will feel compelled to stick something… anything… in your ass… as though sticking something in your ass will enable you to hear my voice fucking you again and again and again…


“imagine you can feel it spreading throughout your entire body… imagine what that would be like… the feeling of this deep wanting… needing more… a thrumming inside of you that never really goes away… a void where my voice should be from now on… overwhelming you… making your mind ready so ready for me, always… like your mind is making itself a wet little hole… Just for me… desperate and aching for more of me… wanting me always… getting wetter for me…. eager for me… inviting the sound of my voice in… deeper… Opening up for me reflexively… and wanting my voice so badly from now on…

And as my voice easily slips inside of you making its way deeper and deeper… touching every part of you… it may feel as though your mind has been waiting for so long… imagine you can feel small bursts of pleasure with every word I say… from now on every time you hear the sound of my voice you will experience this pleasure… surging through your mind traveling like an orgasmic wave down your spine to your most erotic parts… what if you can feel new… amazing… and different types of pleasure with any change in my speech at all… from soft… to hard…


To make these sessions more effective consider purchasing my other Primer Hypnosis file.

Listen to this erotic hypnosis recording repeatedly for increasing impact and practice your relaxation state. As always, use hypnosis responsibly… if you experience any unfavorable effects… please discontinue… otherwise I hope you have a lovely time.

You can also find my hypnosis files on:

You can find a sample hypnosis video here, and another sample script here.

Image by Miss_Orphelia from Pixabay


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