Enjoy hypnosis for sexual and mental well-being by Portland Oregon’s Katherine Dire, Master hypnotist and nurturing HypnoDomme. This is real hypnosis for the alternative sexualities community, for health.
This file is designed to guide you through the process of letting go of false masculinity. We are beginning to understand that gender is beyond the binary, that gender is much more than simply male or female, that gender is a social construct and that we are undergoing a gender revolution. There are, however, still societal expectations that cause a gender purgatory for men who identify as a woman. This file is intended to celebrate womanhood in those men, in you, and provide you with tools to find your sense of value and belonging. Listen often, because you are beautiful, powerful, and deserving.
“Imagine masculinity as you thought it was. Thought it was you. It’s not. When you let that false, failed masculinity go and mourn you are missing something… something divine… morning a masculinity that doesn’t exist… if it did it wouldn’t fit… not anymore… any more than a child’s shoe… never could fit… you are looking at something useless… empty… a painful illusion… a dark dream… but you can wake up… imagine as you go down you do… and when you do… you will look away from this false masculinity… slowing time down… notice a sense of relief… take a deep breath…
And as you exhale relax your entire body looking away from the dream of false masculinity…and look toward reality… the beautiful truth… facing and embracing lovely reality… relish and even indulge in what truly is… Connecting with your body… it’s easy to let go of illusions that when you can see… and feel the purposeless pain they bring… surging into you… depositing meaningless pain… and you may or may not realize that this illusion creates a two way conduit…while you cry… feeling the pain and morning the loss of a non-existent manhood, this lie is also sucking life from you… weakening you… taking your love… your joy… your creativity… energy… brilliant energy…
Feel your energy… unclouded by empty longing… free from vain struggle… how pure it is… how fiery… thriving and wild… unbound by definition… unkempt by constraining tradition… a divine and raw feminine beauty… pure in her drive to create… pure in your need to be and to break through… what you are you don’t know perhaps… but what you are is right and true… to right to be bothered with the falseness that once kept you… and now you are compelled to free yourself… compelled to enjoy yourself… compelled to be your natural self… you are woman… taking energy in unabashedly… transforming it… making what you need and want… giving to the world what is true… feel yourself rightly and completely in this form of reality… embodied completely… filling every inch of you… building in strength and pressure and heat and pleasure…”
To make these sessions more effective consider purchasing my Primer Hypnosis file.
Listen to this erotic hypnosis recording repeatedly for increasing impact and practice your relaxation state. As always, use hypnosis responsibly… if you experience any unfavorable effects… please discontinue… otherwise I hope you have a lovely time.
You can also find my hypnosis files on:
You can find a sample hypnosis video here, and another sample script here.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
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